What goes on in our parish?
We try to be an active parish with groups coming together, in the resource room at the back of church or in Canon Browne’s house, at various times during the week/month. We warmly welcome new members in all our groups. As with any parish we rely on help and volunteers are always needed. Many of our parishioners are getting older and it would be fantastic to get some of our younger St Monica’s families involved in more things.
Sunday 10am mass
During Sunday 10am mass there is children's liturgy in the resource room every week. Please bring your children along and let them join in with this. On the 2nd Sunday each month there are refreshments in the resource room after mass. Join us to say hello and meet friends old and new.
Listed below are the contact names for these groups/activities. Further details and contact numbers are available in the porch at the back of church. If you feel you can help or would like to know more about any of them then please do get in touch.
Altar servers – Louise Barker/John McMahon
Church cleaning – Kath Sharples
Children’s liturgy leader – Helen Rotherham
Caritas Shrewsbury boxes – Marie & Paul Flanagan
Cleaning of church linen – Christine Drake
Coffee after10am Sunday mass - 2nd Sunday of month - list in porch for volunteers
Council of churches – Canon Browne
Covenants (gift aiding your weekly offerings) – John McMahon
Eucharistic Ministers – Canon Browne
Flowers - Kath Sharples
Justice & Peace – Mary Glennon
Mission (formerly APF Mill Hill - red mission boxes) – Marie Baird & Dorothy Chadwick
Music (10.00 mass) – Clare Wadsworth
Readers – Kath Carey
Readers during Advent/Christmas/Lent/Easter - list is put up in porch for volunteers at relevant time
SVP – Richard Clancy
Safeguarding Representative - Clare Wadsworth