Family mass

The 10.00am mass on Sunday is our Family Mass.  During this Mass we have a children’s liturgy in the resource room at the back of church.  Children come out of the main church for a section of the Mass and we present the gospel story in a child friendly way.  It is aimed at the 4-8 age group although we do also welcome younger and older children.  Some parents come in with their children, which is fine for you to see what goes on, although we encourage parents to let children come by themselves.  We would really welcome some parents getting involved to lead or assist in these sessions as we currently only have 5 leaders, 3 of whom started when their children started attending, and who no longer have any children at primary or secondary school.  It is not necessary to be involved in teaching or working with children for you to do this.  If you are interested please speak to one of the current leaders – Louise Barker, Helen Rotherham, or Jess Pearson.

We have a music group playing at 10.00am Sunday Mass, and at all celebrations in the church’s year.  We have many young musicians in our parish, and it would be a delight to have more of them coming to share their talents with the parish.  It is a great outlet to play your instrument on a regular basis.  Any level of capability is welcome.

We are also always looking for volunteers to get involved as altar servers and readers.  During Advent and Lent we have extra services and ask for volunteers to read at these, so even if you don’t want to commit to a rota you have the opportunity to read as a one off.   Events are advertised on the school newsletter as well as the parish bulletin.

Loving to learn,
learning to love like Jesus

About Our School

St Monica's Catholic Primary School
We would love to welcome you to our friendly school, we are situated in the heart of Appleton, and have great transport links to Stockton Heath and Grappenhall.

Where Are We

St Monica's Catholic Primary School St Monica's Close, Appleton, Warrington, WA4 3AW

Let's Connect

Mrs N Rylance/Miss L Ruth
School Administration