The ‘basic’ school curriculum includes the ‘national curriculum’, religious education and relationship health and sex education (RHSE).
The national curriculum is a set of subjects and standards used by primary and secondary schools so children learn the same things. It covers what subjects are taught and the standards children should reach in each subject.
St. Monica’s Catholic Primary School follows the statutory National Curriculum. We believe that the curriculum should be broad and balanced and we achieve this by following the statutory National Curriculum and by going beyond this to further enrich the lives of the children we teach.
Our curriculum is designed with our pupils at the heart - our aims are to provide enriching and varied experiences and opportunities which promote curiosity, enquiry, problem solving and enjoyment. Our School Mission Statement is, Loving to learn, Learning to love like Jesus. Pupils at St Monica's show this love of learning throughout the curriculum offer. They learn about themselves as learners, develop their collaborative and independent learning skills, and build their knowledge and understanding year on year, through a language-rich environment.
Our school is set in beautiful grounds, and we utilise this space as much as we can with outdoor learning opportunities. We have a Forest School curriculum which weaves through the whole curriculum from Early Years through to Year 6. This enables us to promote positive mental health, teamwork, practical skills (both gross and fine motor) and develop social and emotional skills and awareness.
Click on the pages below to read more about individual subject areas.