Kingfisher Class 2024 - 2025

Mrs Rowland

Mrs Cornelia






Our whole-class guitar tuition is provided by Alex Hulme on Thursday mornings.  

Year 4 children across England take part in the national Multiplication Check in June, where they are expected to know all times tables to 12x12 with fluency and quick recall (less than 6 seconds). The tests are individual computer-based assessments, done quietly out of the classroom a couple of children at a time, so we make it as calm an environment as possible. They will be used to the format of the test through lots of practice throughout the year.

P.E. days and swimming lessons

Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday, so please come to school wearing your PE kit on those days.

Swimming lessons are in 2 blocks of 5 weeks in the Spring term. They should still wear PE kit on swimming days since it is easier to get changed at the pool from PE kit than from than the full school uniform. Their swimming kit needs to be one-piece (for girls) and the boys should not wear voluminous beach shorts but proper swimming trunks. Permission letters will be sent home before they start swimming which will include more details.


Our homework is uploaded onto Google Classroom on  Friday afternoon. If you are new to Google classroom, we have attached a document to help. Go to the section at the bottom of this page called Files to Download and choose Getting into Google Suite for the first time.pdf.


These are given out on a Friday and will be tested the following Friday. They will be on Google classroom and a paper copy also comes home. Please encourage your child to practice little and often rather than all on Thursday night or Friday morning. They will retain them much better if they look at them and practice over several days.

Mental Maths Tests

The focus for the following week’s mental maths test is given on Friday for a 5 minute test the following Friday. Sometimes paper resources are sent home, and there will always be recommended resources on Google Classroom for that week.

MyMaths or English

There will usually be either a MyMaths activity or an English activity. These are both done and submitted online. If you have trouble getting online at home, please let us know and your child can do it in school on Thursday.

Creative Homework

A few times a year, your child will be given a creative homework assignment instead of the English or Maths, usually over a holiday or two weeks of term time. 



Useful Links

Recommended Reading Books for Year 4

If you are going to the library with your child or looking for books to buy them or for an e-reader, this site has excellent recommendations of books for their age group, both classics, contemporary favourites, and new publications. It is updated regularly so we are giving you the link rather than a downloaded list.


School reading List link:

Click here for  another reading list from Explore Learning that has some excellent recommendations for year 4 children. 





Numbots (same login details as TTRS)

The link should take you to our school, but If you are typing in the school name, make sure it is St Monica's Warrington, not Milton Keyens or Bootle!


Hit the Button




Files to Download

Kingfisher Class: Gallery items

World Book Day 2025, by Miss Lambert

Loving to learn,
learning to love like Jesus

About Our School

St Monica's Catholic Primary School
We would love to welcome you to our friendly school, we are situated in the heart of Appleton, and have great transport links to Stockton Heath and Grappenhall.

Where Are We

St Monica's Catholic Primary School St Monica's Close, Appleton, Warrington, WA4 3AW

Let's Connect

Mrs N Rylance/Miss L Ruth
School Administration